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Information for Healthcare Professionals

Products to keep your patients moving

World leading Hip and Knee solutions, designed to restore function and relieve pain. Helping to improve the quality of life for patients and support their ability to maintain an active, mobile lifestyle.

ADEPT® Hip Resurfacing System

SAIPH® Knee System - Natural Asymmetry, Complete Stability and Full Mobilisation
Copy of Long-term Outcomes of Hip Replacement (1)

SAIPH® Knee System

The ADEPT® Hip Resurfacing System has evolved from the development of the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR). 


Proximal Interphalangeal Replacement (PIPR™) - Natural movement without compromise

Tuke Saw™

Air powered hand unit drives the blade or brush through a circular motion at frequencies of up to 20,000 cycles per minute. 
Tuke Saw (1)