Patient Testimonials
I’m still BASE jumping
Still skiing and paragliding
It’s hard to believe that 80-years-young
extreme sports expert Eric Jones has ever had
a day’s illness in his life, yet this inspirational
gentleman was literally brought to his knees
by pain following the effects of a motorcycle
accident some years ago.

One can only speculate on the mental as well as physical suffering such debilitation had on the man who started his extreme sports career in 1961 and was still in demand from filmmakers for his physical skills. Eric has now appeared in more than 40 TV documentaries; he worked with Bond star Sean Connery, the legendary director Fred Zinnemann and performed many extreme action sequences in films and documentaries including Dead Men’s Tales directed by Leo Dickinson.
By 2010 I just couldn’t get about -the pain was too much, especially the inside of my knee.
In 2010 Mr Jones saw Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr Koldo Azurza FRCS from Bangor, who carried out a TKR (Total Knee Replacement) using a MatOrtho® Medial Rotation KneeTM (MRKTM).
‘I was getting around a few weeks after the knee replacement. I was a bit skeptical when I was told that all would be great after a year. In fact that was absolutely correct – 12 months after the operation I was totally right. It now feels brilliant – completely natural. After all these years of suffering I have no knee pain any more. I tell people the knee’s perfect, it’s the rest of me that’s falling apart!’ laughed the irrepressible Mr Jones.
In fact Mr Jones is very far from ‘falling apart’. Since his operation, he’s continued to chase adventure with the same passion. Aged 75, he performed another death-defying BASE jump in West Virginia USA. His passion for climbing has since seen him conquer the 1267ft Devils Tower in Wyoming, and in 2015 he ventured out to Patagonia where he filmed a climbing documentary for Channel 4 Wales. He’s also released a biography, A Life on the Edge, charting his daredevil exploits.
And the next adventure? ‘I’m going to spend a month or two skiing in the alps,’ he said excitedly. There is no stopping Mr Jones, thanks to his fearless enthusiasm– and thanks to the MRK™ and surgeon Mr Azurza, of course!
Other Patient Testimonials

‘Before my knee replacements, I could barely walk….Now I climb mountains!’
John was physiotherapist for The All-England Club Wimbledon Championships for 35 years. So it must have come as a shock to someone so dedicated to helping others maintain peak fitness to be struck down himself by debilitating pain in both knees.

‘Recovered and riding again’
68-year-old Robert Shatwell was a lifelong cycling enthusiast with sixty years in the saddle. Painful knee joints threatened to put a premature end to his active lifestyle.